

WHAT IS THE VALUES LEADERSHIP© PROGRAM?Success of an organization rises and falls on leadership. With Small Business Organizations and Dental Practices becoming leaner, the training for leaders has been pushed aside. Instinctively, people are thrust into leadership positions because they are good technicians, clinicians or performers and sometimes because of title. As a result, these people are sometimes ill-equipped to deal with the demands placed on them by their new reports.

This introduction to the VALUES Leadership© program focuses on:
  • What it takes to be a leader
  • Skills, attitudes, and characteristics of great leaders
  • Leadership vs. management
  • Learning dynamics that impact attitudes and skills
  • Leadership Assessment
  • Communication with diverse personality styles

WHAT SETS VALUES LEADERSHIP© TRAINING APART?Exceptional leadership is not achieved because of what people intellectually know about good leaders. The training program helps people evaluate their actions and behavior and identify the gaps that cause conflict, poor performance, and stifled employee productivity.

The VALUES Leadership© program is unique in that it contains a process to help develop the communication skills required for coaching and developing others.

Helping leaders develop their vision whether
in a dental practice or corporation.

The great companies we have helped.

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V.A.L.U.E.S. Training
1245 West Ruth Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85021

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Values Training, 1112 West Lawrence lane, Phoenix, AZ 85021 \ (602) 296-7366 \ \ 2/12/2025